What is the best time to visit Cusco?
  • The best time to visit Cusco is during the dry season, which runs from May to October. During these months, rains are less frequent, making it easier to explore the city and its surroundings.
Do I need to buy entrance tickets in advance for Machu Picchu?
  • Yes, it is advisable to buy entrance tickets in advance, especially if you plan to visit Machu Picchu in high season. Tickets tend to sell out quickly, so be sure to book as far in advance as possible.
How do I get from Lima's Jorge Chávez International Airport to Cusco?
  • To get to Cusco from the Lima airport, you can choose to take a flight to the Alejandro Velasco Astete airport in Cusco. The flight duration is approximately one hour and offers impressive views of the Andes or also a bus from the city of Lima, which lasts approximately 17 to 22 hours.
Do I need to buy the Cusco Tourist Ticket?
  • The Cusco Tourist Ticket is an excellent option for those who want to explore various tourist sites in the region. The ticket will give you access to several attractions and historical monuments. If you plan to visit more than one place included in the ticket, it is definitely worth purchasing.
  • Traveling to Cusco is a magical experience that will allow you to immerse yourself in the historical and cultural wealth of the Andean region. From its stunning architecture to the natural beauty of the Sacred Valley and Machu Picchu, Cusco has a lot to offer adventurous travelers.
  • Remember to prepare the necessary documentation, purchase adequate travel insurance and take recommended health precautions. Also, plan your excursions in advance to make the most of your visit.
  • Don’t forget to explore the charm of the historic center, enjoy the bustling San Pedro market, and marvel at the stunning views of the Sacred Valley and Machu Picchu. Cusco awaits you with open arms to give you an unforgettable experience.